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Magic University News - December 22, 2018

We're wrapping up 2018 and announcing some exciting changes for the new year!


Welcome to the latest edition of Magic University News! This exciting occasional newsletter is where we discuss updates, special announcements, and offerings from within Magic University.

     As we close out the year, we're reflecting on how far Magic University has come, thanks to all of our incredible students and instructors. We were able to offer 42 classes to 336 students, some of which took as many as 7 classes in 2018! So many students opted to audition for Magician Membership with the Academy of Magical Arts and we could not be more proud to have such a bright group of apprentices-made-magicians. 

     Over the last year, we brought on new instructors, we saw a beloved instructor retire, we went completely digital with our student passes, and also picked up some new goodies at the annual Swap Meet.

     So what does 2019 hold for us? Well, we're breaking records with student enrollment, which means we're constantly working to add new classes! We just booked a "Two Classics" class with Rich Cowley that will be held Sunday afternoons starting January 6th. It's going to be a good one! The last time this class was offered, it sold out within just a few days. Similarly, we've snagged Jon Armstrong again for a second edition of "Going from Close-Up to Parlour" that will begin in July.

     Our next semester is beginning in less than two weeks and we're seeing a lot of you have already enrolled! Way to be on top of it! For those of you who haven't signed up for our January and February semester, why not take a peek at what's available while it's fresh in your mind! We're definitely running out of space, so grab a seat while you can.

Here is what's starting in January: 
Introductory Magic - Saturdays with Rich Cowley (sold out)
Introductory Magic - Sundays with Rich Cowley (sold out)
Introductory Magic - Tuesdays with Rich Cowley (sold out)
Intermediate Magic - Saturdays with Rich Cowley
Intermediate Magic - Tuesdays with Alfonso

Advanced Magic - Thursdays with Alfonso
Performance Workshop - Mondays 
with Alfonso

     Stay tuned, as we will be adding more classes with a wide variety of subjects. And as always, we welcome you to email us at for any of your magical education needs. 

See you in the classroom! 

The Magic University Team


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